Seal Master
1.Heal (Lv3)
2.Spiritual Bolt (Lv2)
3.Harden (Lv3)
4.Recover (Lv4)
5.Revival (Lv1)
6.Spiritual Fire (Lv4)(Optional)
7.Tempest Boost (Optional)
8.Vigor (Lv8)
9.Divine Grace (Lv2)
10.True Sight (Lv3)
11.Cursed Fire (Lv4)
12.Abyss Mire (Optional)
13.Shadow Insignia (Lv3)
14.Seal Of Elder
15.Intense Magic
Okay, so that's a list of all the Seal Master skills, in order of when you should get them. Some skills are optional, and
you can choose to put levels of certain skills up higher, this just shows the prerequisites. Spiritual bolt, you are probably
going to want to max out. As well as your two seals, Shadow Insignia and Seal of Elder. Intense Magic is a totally optional
skill, with no prerequisites, so it's totally up to you if you want to get it, and what level to set it (I have it maxed).
I'm sure you all know that the two stats a Seal Master must have are Constitution and Spirit. I have made a pure con SM and
a pure spr SM and a hybrid. Out of those, I would say being spirit was the most fun, but later I had to reset some of my spirit
because I was dying too easily. I'd say the smartest thing to do, is go con, then add spirit later. Seal Master is a class that
requires a lot of patience. At the beginning, they can't do much. But the higher they are, the better they get. I've tried many
classes, but I've liked none better then being a Seal Master. You can tank, bolt, seal, heal, revive, buff, what's not to love?
Just remember-be patient.
Any other questions you might have, don't hesitate to ask me!